Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7 Week 3: To-Do List
The third week of Patch 10.2 has arrived, take a look at our updated daily and weekly task list to discover what’s new this week.
Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7 Week #3: Task List
Tips for Returning Players
If you haven’t played the game for an extended period, ensure to complete the following first:
- Acquire the eight Dragonriding Glyphs found in Zaralak Cavern to unlock new Dragonriding Talents.
Finish the available Patch 10.1 campaign chapters to unlock the
Winding Slitherdrake mount.
What’s New This Week?
- Pirates’ Day is now accessible! For 50K gold, you can purchase a pirate-themed armor set for your Highland Drake.
- Brewfest commences tomorrow, stay tuned for more information on what’s new!
- The World Quests bonus event is available this week, and completing 20 world quests grants 1 Renown with your chosen faction.
- Harvest Festival starts on September 25.
Other Objectives
- Complete Dawn of the Infinite on Heroic Difficulty for Item Level 402 catch-up gear. The minimum Item Level required to queue up for the dungeon is 372.
- Complete Dreamsurges for catch-up gear.
- If you are a Draenei player, you can unlock the Man’ari Eredar customization option on live servers.
- Complete Time Rifts for various collectibles. The weekly quest can be obtained from Soridormi at Tyrhold Reservoir and rewards 1 piece of gear, reputation, and more.
Don’t forget that you can now purchase
Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest for 2
Aspects’ Token of Merit (Great Vault currency).
- You can purchase Mythic+ Season 2 gear with Flightstones.
- Check out the Whelp Daycare if you’re interested in battle pets.
- Naxxramas Crafting allows you to unlock old recipes and craft Tier 3 sets.
- Defeat Zaqali Elders (world boss) for a chance at Item Level 415 loot before claiming a reward from the Great Vault.
- In Patch 10.1.5, you can purchase Zskera Vault Keys from Renown Envoys in Morqut Village to farm Zskera Vaults for collectibles.
Complete the weekly Researchers on Fire event in Zaralek Cavern to receive. The first completion of the week will grant you 250 reputation with Loamm Niffen, a piece of Suffusion gear, Flightstones, and a chance at
Devourer Lobstrok (battle pet) and
Flaming Shalewing Subject 01 (mount).
Complete the new “A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen” weekly quest by earning 1,500 reputation with the new faction to receive
Scentsational Niffen Treasures. It contains 1
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